Something Is Happening - Part 1

The Lord woke me up a few mornings ago with this statement, “Something’s Happening.” It was so alarming, but at the same time, so evasive. Like, “God what’s happening?” But, all He kept shouting into my spirit was, “Something is happening!”

As the day went on, He began to share with me:

“My people are acting as if nothing is happening. So they are going through their lives with no faith. No faith in My Word. No faith in My promises. No faith in My character. No confidence in My ability. They say they believe with their mouths, but i have investigated and there’s no expectation in their hearts. I’m working behind the scenes, but their doubt and unbelief has created a delay in My performance.”

The Golden Thread.  

As I began to look, I saw a golden thread in the spirit. I asked the Lord what it was.

He said, “I am weaving my people together into prophetic storylines and narratives in this next season. They will find out that when they thought nothing was happening, something was happening. My angelic host was busy preparing and setting the stage. My host was at work, riding on the winds of their confession, breaking down demonic strongholds and delivering my answers. The golden thread is my divine purpose that has been designed before time for now.”

I sense there are some who have become weary in well doing. They have prayed, praised, fasted, decreed, given and declared the Word of the Lord. They feel like throwing in the towel. Doing it in their own strength. Going their own way. I hear the Lord say, “Something is happening!” DON’T GIVE UP. Be encouraged. God is weaving His golden thread in your life. You’re about to step through doors you never imagined. You’re going to walk in a level of financial freedom that is unheard of. The nations are opening. Don’t throw in the towel of discouragement. You’re about to be connected and woven into a storyline that’s so much bigger than you.

Something Is Happening.

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