God Is Taking the Arts Back!

God is taking the arts back!⁣⁣

I heard the Lord say, “Get ready for a new swirling of creativity to hit the church.” There are new winds of the creative force of God that is gonna hit the body of Christ over these next six months. I saw new notes, rhythms, melodies, sounds, colors, brush strokes, lights, recipes, taste and different forms of creativity beginning to emerge out of the church. ⁣

God says, “I want my arts back. Just like there was a distinguishing between my people in Goshen and Egypt, so there will be a distinguishing with my people in the arts. Their sound will be different. Their style we be unique. Their strokes will be distinguished. Their photos will be innovative. Their designs will be provoking.”⁣⁣

“They will not be relevant. They will be revolutionary!” God says, “Get ready for my revolutionaries. They will move in futuristic revelation now. They will draw the future. They will sing about the future. They will be ahead of the trends. They will stitch new designs. When others hear it, see it, wear it and taste it they will immediately be transported into the new day.

”⁣⁣The Lord says, “I’m raising up spirit-filled renaissance men and women. They will not just be talented and gifted. They will carry Heaven. They will influence the arts like never before. Their heavenly imaginations will be so captivating that they will not be kept from the top. They will not compromise for they know where their home is and they value eternity.” ⁣

“Get ready”, says God, “I’m taking the arts back!”

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