Something Is Happening - Part 2
The kingdom of God doesn’t come by observation (Luke 17:20)
When something is happening, many will feel as though nothing is happening. This is because the kingdom is not manifested through observation but rather revelation.
God is calling you into the impossible. By observation it will look as though it is not reasonable, logical or possible. But, His desire is not to make sense. His desire is to make faith. Faith has evidence when naturally, there is none. When God calls you into a prophetic storyline of impossibilities, He is revealing Himself. Without the eyes of faith you will always be on the outside of the move of God.
Stewards of Revelation
We must be a people that are good stewards of revelation. God can’t reveal more to us if we are not willing to abandon our reasoning for His thoughts. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. Our observations come from our limited perspective. God declares the end from the beginning because His perspective is greater. It is eternal. We can’t expect God to reveal more if we are moving in a temporal realm and have not acted on what He has already revealed.
This is not blind faith. There is no such thing because faith sees. Either He said it or He didn’t. Either he revealed it or He didn’t. So know that God gives you the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Wisdom is the ability to steward the revelation of God without being destructive to those around you. So, after you know God is moving in a realm, wisdom gives you the know-how to operate in that realm with Him.
So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! 2 Corinthians 5:16
As a leader, people will not fully commit or become a part of your vision because they are in observation mode instead of revelation mode. They are regarding you but not responding to revelation. Observations by no means are wrong, but can be very limiting. When people come into your life in observation mode, they will more than likely eventually leave if there is no revelation. When people come to you but don’t have a revelation of who you are or why they were there in the first place, it will be easier for them to disengage, disconnect and unfortunately at times disrupt and cause division.
In a very similar way, if you don’t have a revelation of those around you, you will treat them from a fleshly perspective. You will pull them close when you are supposed to release them. You will push them away when you are suppose to pull them close. You will confront when you are suppose to comfort and comfort when you are suppose to confront.
Revelation brings more revelation
It is important as a leader on any level, personally and corporately, that you speak from a place of revelation. What has God revealed to you about your ministry, organization, department, etc.? You have to speak it. Why? Because faith comes when you hear with your spirit what God has revealed. From that place your soul will submit to the Spirit of God and your spirit man will enlarge its capacity to carry more revelation from God. As you speak, decree and declare what God has and is revealing into your space, the atmosphere of revelation is created where you and others will be able to benefit from this revelatory rain that will begin to descend.
When something is happening, the first thing the enemy will want you to feel is that nothing is happening. We combat this with revelation and walk it out with wisdom. So declare with me by faith…
Something is Happening.
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